Tobacco Free | University of South Alabama-十大彩票网投平台

USA is a 100% Tobacco Free Campus

Tobacco FreeBe Jag Healthy!

The University of South Alabama’s 100% Tobacco-Free Campus Policy went into effect on August 1, 2015, ensuring that the University will be a more healthy, tobacco-free environment.

The University of South Alabama policy stipulates that no use of tobacco products is allowed on any campus property. The policy covers all forms of tobacco, including smokeless (chew or dip), e-cigarettes, vaping and vaping-related products. As a community, the University has adopted this policy to support a healthy working and living environment and general health and wellness for its for students, faculty, staff and visitors. The policy is intended to encourage healthy lifestyles. If you are a tobacco user who needs help quitting, please refer to the resources below for assistance.

Between April and August of 2015, the University prepared for the implementation of the policy by communicating to employees, students, visitors, media and the general public through emails, campus posters and signage, and student orientations.


The University of South Alabama’s 100% Tobacco-Free Campus Policy was spurred by the unanimous recommendation of the Wellness Initiatives Committee, which held extensive discussions on the issue before drafting the policy. Smoking policy issues were discussed with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the Student Government Association. In addition, the committee enlisted the USA Polling Group to conduct a faculty survey and a student survey. These surveys were conducted in late 2014 and were reviewed in the context of drafting a final policy.

Smoking Cessation Resources

The University of South Alabama is committed to helping employees and students who wish to quit smoking and using tobacco products. Tobacco cessation resources are available to all employees through the Office of Human Resources. Tobacco cessation resources are available to all students through the Student Health Center and the Counseling and Testing Services office.


The enforcement of the policy will be educational and focused on informing all members of the University community and campus visitors of this new policy, and providing information about cessation resources. The success of this policy depends upon the thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation of smokers and non-smokers alike.

Based on experiences at other universities who have instituted tobacco-free policies, it will take time for the educational and informational messages to reach all areas of campus and all audiences. If you see someone smoking on campus and are comfortable approaching them, you can say: “Excuse me, you may not be aware, but University of South Alabama is a tobacco-free campus….meaning that tobacco products are prohibited on University of South Alabama property, grounds, and parking areas. Thank you for your cooperation.” If the person asks where they can smoke, you can say: “The use of tobacco products is permitted in personal vehicles while they’re parked or being operated on University of South Alabama property.”